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  • Writer's pictureErica Cooper, M.S., BCBA

Coming Home

When I started in this field 14 years ago, I was sure that my work as a classroom assistant in an inclusive preschool classroom would be short-lived. I never dreamed of furthering my education and career in the field of applied behavior analysis. Nevertheless - here I am! After having worked in a variety of applied settings (schools, homes, community, centers, residential facilities, telehealth), I am marrying my passions of providing high-quality behavior analytic interventions and increasing access to supportive services in underserved populations. This has led me back home, to the south side of inner-city Atlanta, where I was born and raised.

My experiences in this field have shaped every part of me. As a Black woman, mother, wife, and small-business owner, my goal is to harness all the personal and professional experiences I have to provide therapy that is client-focused and culturally aware. My vision includes creating an environment in which difference and diversity are celebrated and cherished, where we are all lifelong learners, and where everyone has a seat at the table - but clients sit at the head. I believe that this vision will create the best opportunity for effective therapy. I hope that EBG will not only serve as a center-based ABA therapy provider, but a community partner for years to come in this area. Get ready Atlanta - we have work to do!

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